Friday, August 3, 2012

Celebration of Light

    Wednesday was a night of adventures. The family packed into our car and drove out to Vancouver. Each year at English Bay  there is a week of fireworks display on the water called 'The Celebration of Light'. Each night of the week a different country competes for the best fireworks show. Wednesday was Brazil.
We got there several hours early. They close off the streets and thousands of people storm towards the water. Even when we got there 3 hours early the beach was already packed with an eager audience.

We ordered Pizza and while Lynden and Katie went to pick it up Clayton and I had a little competition ourselves. We both played chubby bunny for the first time...with blueberries. Yes our mother would be proud of the spectacle we made in public. We finally called a truce at 40 berries. The madness had to stop. In the middle of our Phase 10 game the fireworks began.
But maybe we should have kept ourselves entertained in a better way.

They were awesome. Love fireworks. I don't think I would actually like to live in Vancouver. There's too  much traffic, too many people and way too much noise. I don't like being in a sea of people but there's something to be said for sitting in large crowd experiencing the same thing as thousands of others, hearing everyone 'ooh' and 'ahh' together .

 After the show was done we walked back to the dock where our parents left us to go on a work cruise. We began to drive home. After about 20 minutes my Dad pulled over and said he could no longer drive. He could barely stand out of the car. Shooting pains and numb hands. You don't have to be a medical student to know what that means. The 15 minute drive to the hospital was terrifying. They took him into ER immediately. After 10 minutes my brother comes back from Dad's bed. The doctor thought it was kidney stones. Painful, but not half as scary as the heart attack I thought he was having. PS. Hyperventilation causes numbness in you hands. Just so you don't freak out like I did when someone has kidney stones.

And to top off the night's adventures when we dropped Katie off at her abode a family of raccoons came running out from her garage. Man those things creep me out.