Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Well That's a First

It has been another wonderful year in Edmonton! There were some big changes and lots of small ones. I'm living in a new house, with new roommates and in school. I like to keep a list of the things I've done for the first time in a year. Mind if I share some with you?
It's been the first time that I've...
-Worn scrubs (jeans are seriously ruined for me now)

- Eaten a fig
- gone to the dump (backed my beast up to the dumping dock, I was pretty proud)
-gone to a YSA conference (also the first time i've been to a dance...on a roof... of a hotel!)
- Played the piano for a stake event
- Had a friend get baptized!
- Tried on engagement rings (don't get your panties in a twist folks it was with my cousin, and I know that's normal for Albertans but she's a girl and that's not ok with Albertans)
- Driven a Hybrid car (Sat in it for 5 minutes trying to turn it on. Thankfully instructions come up on the dashboard that tell you what to do)
- Shot a gun
- Done a complete  ultrasound exam all by myself!
-Met a rocket scientist
- Gone to Tuitti Fruitti (seriously people if you have not tried this place you need to get your butts over there cheap, fun and a somewhat better alternative to ice cream)
- Been forked

- Bought my first coffee...but didn't know it was coffee until afterwards
- Tasted Pâté . But only tasted. When I found out it was kidney and liver it was promptly disposed of. Do people KNOW what your liver and kidneys are for?!
- Taken an X-ray (completely different from an Ultrasound. Please never ask me if they're the same thing)
- Put together a sterile tray
- Been in a Relief Society Presidency
- Driven a standard
- Done Archery
- watched my first Alberta thunderstorm (but I watched the lightning, not the thunder)

- Had Hawaiian haystacks
- Made Crayon art

-Ran a 5 k!
-Beat my brother at Super Mariocart (life long goal. Not a word of a lie)
- Gone inside the Cardston Temple
-Fallen asleep at school. Maybe I should have drank the coffee ;)
- Been published!!

It sure was a fantastic, hard and wonderful year. More to come I'm sure!

1 comment:

  1. That is all so exciting Naomi! We miss you here in BC but I'm glad that you are having a blast in Edmonton too.
