Friday, August 24, 2012

A Series of Unfortunate Events

The past week has been SO BAD. Exaggerating a little. I mean in a global sense I have nothing to complain about. I'm not starving, dying or worse. But would you please indulge me and hear the whining and complaining of my little world for just a few minutes?
     It all started with paying bills (doesn't it all?) So there I am trying to get all new bills for my house under my name because my roommate got married, moved out and no longer wants to pay them, imagine that. So after what seemed like hours of tedium on the phone with gas, electricity, waste, water and internet I was almost done. Until they came to the part where they told me that my power might be shut off during the switch of account holders. And wouldn't come back on until somebody called them. Which didn't bode well. No one was living at the house to know if the power went off, which meant no one would call, which then meant there would be 3 freezers full of thawed, rotten food when I went back to Edmonton. 
     After that it was a series of unfortunate events. Do taxes. Print off 100 useless pages of paper before I figure it out. Receive Student loan. Insufficient to cover rent alone. Not eating this year. Frustration. Siblings double book flight. Drive to Abbotsford airport without Mom. Saddness. Land in Edmonton. No one is waiting for me. Take 2 buses, a train and 2 hours to get home. Arrive at home. Lawn not been cut for weeks. Mower will not chop. Home alone, many spiders. Go to bed. Dark and lonely. Wake up, arrangements for my clothes, cookware and textbooks to be delivered from Vancouver fell through. School starts in 3 days. Hysteria. Mom won't answer phone. Alone. Shop for groceries, forget rice for stir-fry I'm making for company. Run to isle and back, angry line up. Come home, but forgot olives for greek salad. Roommates wedding tomorrow, not going. Alone. Spill salt, bad omen. Make cookies, phone rings, cookies burn. Check mail, letter returned because insufficient postage (even though I waited in a line for half an hour, right before my turn the whole system crashes but they tell me how much postage they need. Stamp fell off.) No roommates to tell my woes to. Alone.

  But I know this can't all be because of karma, because I haven't done anything bad! So it must mean that something very big and exciting, fantastic, terrific, grand and wonderful is going to happen to me very soon. I just don't know what it is. But it better be soon the way things are going.


  1. Naomi! I totally had the thought to ask if you wanted a ride to E-town from the airport the other day. Seriously don't mind giving you rides lady! If you start starving feel free to pop in for dinner! We'd love to visit!

  2. but Naomi, you forgot the part where we hung out and made rice krispies....

  3. Naomi! You brought tears to my eyes. Haha. Not even kidding. I'm such a sap. I love you. :) If you ever need anything I am no longer in school AND employed. Haha. Doesn't mean I'm rich, but I can help!
