Monday, August 13, 2012

Can She Bake A Cherry Pie?

  So my Mom is a domestic Goddess. She bakes like no other, and decorates her creations even better. She grinds her own wheat to bake bread (and has even made her own butter to put on it), Every year I get a home sewn costume for halloween and a new pair of pajamas at Christmas. She has the biggest garden on the block. I don't ever remember buying salsa or jam because obviously we have an entire room dedicated to the canned goods of our garden. Did I mention she also completed a degree by correspondence while raising 4 kids? So basically my mom and can anything. really, ANYTHING.

  Then there's me. I can hardly sew. Ashamed to say I can't even follow a pattern. I mostly make meals that don't require a recipe (a lot of stir fry, chili and pasta). And my roommates can attest to the fact that I am forever burning or botching some recipe. (Anyone heard of Amelia Bedelia? I'm something like that)
And then something changed...

NOW! (in a deep, smooth announcer's voice) from the smoky ashes of forgotten cookies...  
*Scenes of my unfortunate past flash on the screen*
...comes the summer that will change it all (dramatic inspiring music)


Ok so maybe one cherry pie isn't going to change it all and I doubt I'll be able to sew magical creations any time soon. 
But (announcer's voice returns) This is where it all begins...

To be Continued...

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