Thursday, September 13, 2012


      So sometimes my program kinda stinks. I have days where it bothers me that I start a week earlier than everyone, have a week less of Christmas break and have 3 midterms in the next 2 weeks before everyone else has even begun to think of them. But then there are the days where CSDMS (Canadian Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers) sends me mail. I love mail. Especially when said mail contains stickers and magnets. Call me simple, but I couldn't be happier to be in sonography right now!

 And just a little clarification, mid July I posted a facebook status: Well I've decided to stay in BC. I'm not going back to Edmonton in the fall. I'm going to live with my parents for the rest of my life (but not in the basement, completely undignified). I'm not going to work, Mom will make all of my meals and I'm foregoing any marriage opportunities. Living the dream folks. Living the dream.

It was a joke. Got a lot of questions about it. I'll make sure to have more straightforward humor in the future. But I am still living in a basement... 

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