Monday, September 17, 2012

Poor Starving Student

    I've had a lot of trouble with the student loan and scholarship people lately. The loan people won't give me money because they think my parents should be contributing to my education. Alberta doesn't want to give me scholarship money because, although I'm going on my third year of living in the province, I am not yet 21 (6 months short!!) therefore considered a resident of the province in which my parents live (B.C).The latter is also disinclined to acquiesce my request because I am attending school out of province. This is a lose-lose situation!
The following is an email to my father. Because evidently all my problems are because of him. How the tides have turned!

I just wanted to let you know that no one wants to give me money and it's all your fault. 

    The National and Provincial student loans don't want to give me money because they think that YOU should be giving me money. They pretty much told me that you're obligated to contribute $18000 (yes 3 zeros following the 18) for my education. I was just wondering...what are they expecting ME to contribute to MY education then (since it's only $23000 total. Well I've already forked out the remaining 5 grand so it's your turn sugar daddy)
      Also as soon as the scholarships i've applied for look at your income they are gonna throw out the application and laugh at the thought of me needing more money. (Seriously do these people understand how expensive it is to live in greater Vancouver?! and that not all children mooch so shamelessly from the people that gave them life!)

So I've come to the conclusion that you need to quit your job and become a farmer. They give lots of money to farmers. 

I love you though, despite how much you make.

And in reply

Im sorry that I make so much and that the Lord has blessed me so that the windows of heaven have been so generous.  You need not worry that I will not be your sugar daddy.  If your appeal does not go through I will support your extravagant ways and then charge you eternal interest.  You think the Publicans charged high interest rates! ;-)

Yes I should become a rancher, not a farmer. They make even less money but yet they still have their dignity!

One day when I'm a wealthy sonographer I will donate a scholarship to a person just like me. I'm gonna shake their corrupted system that's so antagonistic towards young, out of province students who worked 2 years to get into a stinking Alberta school!! Just you wait and see!

1 comment:

  1. Aha! I have found your blog! Not that it took anything more than navigating to your facebook wall. But, anyway, I just wanted to comment to say,
    a) I may just be a little impressed with your with writing ability. Not that I can claim to be the Great Judge of All That is Written, but I think your blog's quite good!
    b) I enjoyed the Pirates of the Carribean reference in this post (if that is what it was supposed to be); and
    c) Ajay (see comment above) might have a few problems with the plurals.
