Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mormon Temples

2:07 to 3:06 are my absolute favorite

Salt Lake City Temple

     One thing that seems to set people of the LDS faith (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints AKA Mormons) apart is our Temples.  Inside these holy edifices we worship God and make promises with Him. We go to feel peace and find answers to our prayers. Although there are many things that go on in the temple we are best known for being married in them. We believe when married in the temple, you are married for time and all eternity. Not just "Till death do us part". Even when your sweetheart passes away, if you have been married in the Temple, you will still have them and your family in the life after. I love that.

Seattle Temple
       It is a very exciting time for LDS members in Alberta right now. A Temple has just been completed in Calgary. What happens in the temple is so sacred to us that after it is dedicated (set apart as a holy place) only worthy members who live the commandments and follow the teachings of the church are permitted inside. But we want everyone to know what we believe! It isn't a secret! What happens inside is just so dear to our hearts and sacred that we don't display it for the world to mock and ridicule. For a few weeks, before the temple is closed to the public, we invite anyone who is interested, anyone who has ever had a question about our temples, anyone who has no idea what a temple is, to come and see for themselves.
      My dear friends, this is something so very important to me. I want you to know why! I want to share with you something that's not only a belief, but a part of who I am. This really is a once in a lifetime experience. If you have any questions, if you are interested at all, if you want to know more, I would love to take you inside this extraordinary structure or talk to you more about it.
My Very own Vancouver Temple :)
      The Temple is more than just a beautiful building. It's a place where we draw nearer to God and make promises. In return we have our families for eternity. I love that even when I'm thousands of miles away from the people who are dearest to me I never have to be afraid I will never be with them again. My family will be together forever. And I can't wait for it.

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