Friday, August 12, 2011

For The Beauty of The Earth

 When someone tells me they like my pictures I am extremely complimented.  And not because I've followed the rule of thirds or set my aperture and f-stop to make a well composed photo. I feel like they are actually saying "the way you see the world is beautiful".  I think beauty is a thing of perspective, and a good perspective is beautiful. But it can't be that hard to see things as beautiful when we live among creations of the divine. I'm just grateful to document them. The world didn't have to be pretty so we could live in it. The sky doesn't have to turn orange, pink and purple when the sun goes down. Who ever said that leaves had to be all shades of autumn before falling? Somehow I just can't believe it came together in perfect harmony by coincidence or mistake. 
 In fact I think the man upstairs sure knows what He's doing.

All things that come of the earth, in the season thereof, are...both to please the eye...

                                             gladden the heart...

                                  strengthen the body and enliven the soul D&C59:18-19

PS. Thanks Addie for the picture info! 

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