Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It was the summer of...'11

Summer has been moving so fast and I can't believe that July has plowed its way through to August. But I can't complain because, although the weather has been October worthy half the time, I've loved every minute of it. I'm so happy to be home. I'm storing away this family time for when I'll be hitting the books hard. Here's a taste of my summer lovin'.
Got mail
Had a baby shower..
With lots of interesting activities
Celebrated Will and Kate at the best Drive in  ever.

Danced on roofs
Took pictures on roofs
Went in Parades with important people
met curious beasts
Photographed pretty things :)


  1. Okay, first of all - PETER'S IS THE BEST THING EVER. I would consider moving to Calgary just for this drive-in.

    Also, those pictures are awesome! I haven't seen the roof ones before. I gotta get myself a copy of those bad boys!

  2. You say you photographed pretty things. Where are the pictures of me? But actually, you are so cool.
