Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

    As a child I had more irrational fears than most children. Along with spiders, clowns and trying new foods I was afraid in the middle of the night someone would sneak into my room and kidnap me. I mean seriously afraid. My parents assured me they were right down the hallway if I screamed they would come. That kind of thing rarely happens anyway. Eventually I grew out of the fear that prevented me from sleepovers at friend's houses.
  Last night my fear returned. I was getting ready for bed and had the feeling that I should close my window. And last night I really was going to close it myself, but I just forgot. 

     Nicely snuggled into bed, my white curtains billowed a bit to remind me the window had still not been shut. I was far too comfortable to be paranoid by then so I just let it stay open.

    Well wouldn't you just know it. It was a dark and stormy night. Usually that kind of thing doesn't wake me up. But this night was different. I woke up suddenly and could hear the pounding of rain from my open window. The bed began to shake. I was a little frightened and disoriented since I had just been woken  up. All of a sudden something large landed on my bed that came from the window. I Screamed and turned to look at what had joined me. A large, dark figure was standing on my bed shaking the entire thing. Never have I been so scared. Just as I was about to attack in self defense,the intruder began panting and was shaking more than ever. And it didn't seem to be approaching me any further. Letting my eyes adjust a bit more I realized that the black body was far too small to be human. I suppose the dark and stormy night had produced thunder which my dog had found just too much to handle in her bed, alone on the floor. 

       Much more at ease I fell back on my pillow with just one more matter troubling my mind. All those years my parents assured me they were just down the hallway, where were they then?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sweet 16

Little brothers are so much fun. Last week Clayton got his License in the mail. He was rather confused when he opened the envelope and found registration forms for organ donation.  My mom and I kept telling him it was a good thing and that thousands of sick people are waiting for organs to be donated. He was disgusted with us and looked a little bit terrified. He asked "Why would anyone do that?? Would you do that?!" Well yeah, mom is already signed up. They only take it when you're dead. Clayton, suddenly much more subdued with the new knowledge that his organs would only be removed once he was done with them just responded with "...Oh."

Friday, August 12, 2011

For The Beauty of The Earth

 When someone tells me they like my pictures I am extremely complimented.  And not because I've followed the rule of thirds or set my aperture and f-stop to make a well composed photo. I feel like they are actually saying "the way you see the world is beautiful".  I think beauty is a thing of perspective, and a good perspective is beautiful. But it can't be that hard to see things as beautiful when we live among creations of the divine. I'm just grateful to document them. The world didn't have to be pretty so we could live in it. The sky doesn't have to turn orange, pink and purple when the sun goes down. Who ever said that leaves had to be all shades of autumn before falling? Somehow I just can't believe it came together in perfect harmony by coincidence or mistake. 
 In fact I think the man upstairs sure knows what He's doing.

All things that come of the earth, in the season thereof, are...both to please the eye...

                                                      ...to gladden the heart...

                                           ...to strengthen the body and enliven the soul D&C59:18-19

PS. Thanks Addie for the picture info! 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Je Veux Gambader

Last week I crossed another item off my summer bucket list. Two in fact. I hiked up to Golden Ears Lower Falls and took my besties along with me for a picnic. I'd done the trail several times before but I suppose I might have underestimated it when I told my friends we were going on a 20 minute walk...which turned out to be a 40 minute hike. Oops. Did I mention they had to carry food laden coolers and bags? And cross treacherous mud swamps?

This is from our adventures today when we had a picnic in a field.  Everyday in grade 11 Socials we asked Mme. Terrillon "Est-ce qu'on peut gambader aujourd'hui?" Today we finally did.

Little did she know...
But because my friends are the best they still loved me after I made them spend an afternoon hiking and swimming unprepared. The view wasn't too bad either.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Oh Darlin' Don't You Ever Grow Up.

A midst all the paper work and financial planning for school I've somehow had the time to purge my 'stuff' laden room.  After a year of being away from my supposedly important clutter, most of it was easy to part with. I go on these purges and try to throw out everything I can while I'm in a non-sentimental mood. I was doing really well this time filling garbage bags left and right. But a few stumbled upon memories and keepsakes left me a hopeless hoarder. 

My teapot. It has been super-glued  back together so many times I'm surprised it's more than just a pile of dust. I remember making my mom sit down with me and sipping hot chocolate from our little teacups and eating dainty treats. 

This is the backpack I took on every road trip my family ever went on. Mostly to our cousin's farm or Grandma's ranch.  We loaded up with tons of Archie comics and paper to color on. Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites tapes played as we stuffed ourselves with trail mix and granola bars.

This Seashell I picked up on the perfect day trip to the beach with my family. We had just moved to the West coast from the prairies and it was one of the first times I swam in the Pacific Ocean. The shell was pristine and didn't have a single crack or chip in it.

These lovely ladies were handcrafted by my mother (left) and my Grandmother (right). The one from  my grandmother was first introduced to me when I had a bad sliver. I was scared and crying and my mom introduced 'Alice' to me and said if I held her tight I would be ok. The doll on the left, who went unnamed, had matching pj's and waited on my bed for me while I went to school.

Princess Wishing Star has been one of my treasured companions since age 4.  It has all been video documented. It was my 4th birthday and my brothers were kindly helping me un-wrap a large box. I screeched over and over when I saw she had come home to me from where I had admired her at the store. When I was subdued I cooed over the pink princess and said 'she's so pretty'

When you tap the wand on her star and make a wish her crown lights up and tells you how your wish will turn out. Sometimes in my dark room at nights I would take her out and watch her light up my blackened room.
     I've been horribly sidetracked in my de-junking process. And it appears as though my parents are doomed to have a shrine forever dedicated to my childhood. I was glad to spend the day as one happy, little again girl.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It was the summer of...'11

Summer has been moving so fast and I can't believe that July has plowed its way through to August. But I can't complain because, although the weather has been October worthy half the time, I've loved every minute of it. I'm so happy to be home. I'm storing away this family time for when I'll be hitting the books hard. Here's a taste of my summer lovin'.
Got mail
Had a baby shower..
With lots of interesting activities
Celebrated Will and Kate at the best Drive in  ever.

Danced on roofs
Took pictures on roofs
Went in Parades with important people
met curious beasts
Photographed pretty things :)