Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Perfect Day: Take 2

     There's just something about holiday Mondays that seem to bring all my friends together. We had an awesome day like the one in  November, but a summer version.

      It started with a morning brunch for our ward. People played guitar, sang and even rode a unicycle. Plus who doesn't love eating food that you didn't have to make for yourself? We gathered a crowd and hiked on over from my house to the legislature building. It was packed. We trickled our way through the people who, all together, filled the air with the heavy smell of coconut sunscreen. It was chokingly hot day so obviously we childishly played in the kiddie pools. And after cooling off we went to watch some of the performers.

     I'm not much of a crowd person so it was fun for the hour we were there but I was much more in my comfort zone when we decided to go to a residential park and have a picnic. Also because picnics are one of my favorite things to do. A couple of friends had brought some slacklines. It was my first attempt at slacklining and I can now take 6 steps! We made our own fun by grabbing some baskets and mini frisbees out of Kristin's trunk and made sport of trying to land them in the baskets. Thankfully it was also a water park so when we all got too warm we sought the relief of the colorful, water-spouting tunnel. Some were not as willing to get wet, but they were 'firmly encouraged with assistance' and everyone came out equally soaked.

      After laying in the sun and attempting to dry off it felt so nice to get out of damp clothes and change into fresh dry ones. We drove to the fireworks early to secure a spot. We played games, ate pizza and enjoyed the serenading of guitar to pass the time.

     And then they started. I love the feeling of community you get when you organize with thousands of people to all do the same thing. I also love the anticipation of what's coming. It doesn't often happen that you know something very good and exciting is coming but you don't know exactly what it will be like.

      My very favorite part though is when you can feel the explosion blow through your body. All your senses are excited. Lights flashing one after another, pounding in your ears and chest, the smell of smoke.

    Then it was over. But is there a better way to end any day? I think people would sleep a little easier if there were fireworks every night. Who wouldn't feel better about letting some steam off cheering for brilliant lights in the sky? You'd always have something to look forward to every night. Anyone else with me?

It was a fantastic summer's day spent with some friends who I think are all pretty great. Bring on Labor day!

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