Saturday, June 29, 2013

Adventures in BC

   Although I'm glad my program is condensed and I get to graduate early I'm also kind of sad I didn't get to spend all my summer at home. I did get to go back for a couple of weeks though. Maybe it makes me appreciate it more. I had such a good time seeing friends, new babies, and family.

Leaving Edmonton was great. I love flying. Not so much the airports, the boarding and the layovers. But the taking off and looking out the window, trying to figure out how they made all the lots so square on the ground. I think the thing I miss the most about BC is the mountains. When people from the prairies drive through the mountain passes lots of them say how closed in they feel. I understand that. I like the open skies of Alberta  and how you look until you can see fields meet the sky. But the mountains are so comforting to me. I don't feel so much closed in as I feel protected and secured by them. Besides, nothing can beat the way a sunrise looks on a mountain.

I had more scenic adventures on the ground too. I remember when I moved to BC from Saskatoon. And for the longest time I was almost resentful of how beautiful everyone kept telling me it was. I wasn't going to be happy no matter what this new place looked like, because it wasn't my home. Now that I'm back on the prairies I long for the rivers, trees and mountains because now they feel like home. Cruel joke, eh?

   It was a relief to not study at all while I was at home. Definitely burning out quicker each semester as I come to the end of this program. I had to find some way to fill all that time I would have spent studying. So I took advantage of the counter space and baked. I made pumpkin marble cheese cake, red velvet cookies with cream cheese icing filling, wayy too many doggy cupcakes for the ward Elder's quorum for father's day and a delicious carrot cake for my brother's birthday.

I got home at the perfect time. Two days before my little brother graduated. Kind of hard to believe. It was a long, long ceremony but I was glad to be there.

   I went out to an Asian night market. There were some crazy things there. Mostly a lot of  food I've never seen before. I almost bought this really cool necklace until one of the booth owners told me it was a belt. Yep, I'm one of those silly white girl tourists. Well at least then no one would have had the same necklace as me.

I got to see a few of my friends. But mostly I was around home just spending quality time with my family. Mom and I did handwork together. My brothers got me hooked on a zombie show. Still at a loss to how that happened. My dad took me out on Daddy daughter date for the first time in years. And we played cards with Grandma. I can't believe how she sold me out in hearts. The important thing is that I still won :P

It was too short, like it always is. But I'll be looking forward to when I get to go home again for Christmas. Only 168 days left!

1 comment:

  1. Wah! The time went by way too fast. But it was a lot of fun.
