Monday, July 16, 2012

Secret Admirers and C.S Lewis

Dear Secret Admirer,
3 years ago a brown boxed package was delivered with my name on it. The return address: Secret Admirer.
Inside was a gorgeous, white, hardcover copy of The Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis. I was ecstatic. I'd wanted to read this book I'd heard so many people talk about. And I tried, but with school and all the other hectic happenings of life time got away.There were many failed attempts at a cover to cover read. But this summer provided the perfect opportunity. I read and read and could barely put it down. It was funny and insightful. I could hardly believe someone could not only so accurately discern the subtle down falls we 'humans' have but to put it into words.
   Thank you, whomever you are (because you've done a fabulous job at concealing your identity), for educating my mind and making me fall in love with C.S Lewis. I must have just mentioned this book in passing but you took the time to buy a lovely copy of it and send it to me. It meant a lot to me. 

I hope you find this, seeing as I have no address to send you my appreciation in return!

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