Saturday, April 9, 2011

I simply remember my favorite things

Friday, I was introduced to The Book of Awesome. Essentially it is a book filled with small things that sometimes we don't even realize make us happy. When my roommates and I started talking about it they came up with a few more things to add to the list. Finding happiness in small things is so important to have continued joy in everyday life. Here are few of my small joys I had on my list:
Frost on windows

The sound the leaves make in the wind
The way everything looks when the sun is going down

Old buildings with lots of detail
Getting mail

- Sneezing     - Falling asleep with wet hair   - Jumping out to scare someone at just the right moment

 Finally getting that part in a piece of music you've been working on

- Communicating a joke without using words   - Waking up from a bad dream  -Walking over small bridges

- Spilling something everywhere, but not getting any of it on you - When the 'walk' sign comes on just when you come to the intersection

The smell of fresh baked bread

 A reason to dress up

- When a good looking stranger smiles at you - Listening to the rain as you go to sleep in a warm bed

 playing the perfect April fool's day joke

- Remembering the response to a question you couldn't answer just before you hand in your test       - Clothes that still have the price tag attached, hanging in your closet       -Your favorite song starts to play when you just get into the car

When someone leaves a note for you

Pictures that make you laugh every time you look at them

Flowers after rain

Finding the perfect shade of lipstick

Having something happen you didn't even know was possible



  1. I love the book of awesome! it is pretty much the best! Amanda's Boyfriend got it for her last year, it was a lot of fun to read! Thanks for this post, reminded me of how simple things can be so awesome!

  2. :) another one -Reading a new post on your friend's blog.

    Ps. I really like that photo of the music! So talented! haha
