Saturday, February 2, 2013


Wow time is just slipping through my fingers lately. January, which for me always seems to be the longest month of the year, has just zoomed by. So many exciting things are going to happen for me this year. My little brother is graduating from high school, which officially makes us an old family. Do you remember as a kid going to visit someone and your parents said they had kids. But as soon at they make it over the age of 13 they stopped being fun to hang out with? Well we're way over that hill now. By the end of the year pretty well all of my friends will be back from their missions (minus all those girls who are hopping on the 19 year old train). And I will be a graduated sonographer. I don't feel nearly old enough to be starting my career.

Speaking of which job opportunities seem to be just popping up everywhere. While I was writing up a case this past week one of the head honchos happened to be visiting and saw me. He poked his head in the room and asked if I was a student. After answering affirmatively he asked what year. When I answered second year he stepped in the room and decided I was worth his time. Three times this week people have tried to recruit me for this site. And I just don't even know what I want for myself. For the longest time I thought I would work in a hospital. But this clinic has been wonderful and I can't keep any of my thoughts straight. Regardless, it's wonderful to be wanted.

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