Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Well That's a First

It has been another wonderful year in Edmonton! There were some big changes and lots of small ones. I'm living in a new house, with new roommates and in school. I like to keep a list of the things I've done for the first time in a year. Mind if I share some with you?
It's been the first time that I've...
-Worn scrubs (jeans are seriously ruined for me now)

- Eaten a fig
- gone to the dump (backed my beast up to the dumping dock, I was pretty proud)
-gone to a YSA conference (also the first time i've been to a dance...on a roof... of a hotel!)
- Played the piano for a stake event
- Had a friend get baptized!
- Tried on engagement rings (don't get your panties in a twist folks it was with my cousin, and I know that's normal for Albertans but she's a girl and that's not ok with Albertans)
- Driven a Hybrid car (Sat in it for 5 minutes trying to turn it on. Thankfully instructions come up on the dashboard that tell you what to do)
- Shot a gun
- Done a complete  ultrasound exam all by myself!
-Met a rocket scientist
- Gone to Tuitti Fruitti (seriously people if you have not tried this place you need to get your butts over there cheap, fun and a somewhat better alternative to ice cream)
- Been forked

- Bought my first coffee...but didn't know it was coffee until afterwards
- Tasted Pâté . But only tasted. When I found out it was kidney and liver it was promptly disposed of. Do people KNOW what your liver and kidneys are for?!
- Taken an X-ray (completely different from an Ultrasound. Please never ask me if they're the same thing)
- Put together a sterile tray
- Been in a Relief Society Presidency
- Driven a standard
- Done Archery
- watched my first Alberta thunderstorm (but I watched the lightning, not the thunder)

- Had Hawaiian haystacks
- Made Crayon art

-Ran a 5 k!
-Beat my brother at Super Mariocart (life long goal. Not a word of a lie)
- Gone inside the Cardston Temple
-Fallen asleep at school. Maybe I should have drank the coffee ;)
- Been published!!

It sure was a fantastic, hard and wonderful year. More to come I'm sure!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Secret Admirers and C.S Lewis

Dear Secret Admirer,
3 years ago a brown boxed package was delivered with my name on it. The return address: Secret Admirer.
Inside was a gorgeous, white, hardcover copy of The Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis. I was ecstatic. I'd wanted to read this book I'd heard so many people talk about. And I tried, but with school and all the other hectic happenings of life time got away.There were many failed attempts at a cover to cover read. But this summer provided the perfect opportunity. I read and read and could barely put it down. It was funny and insightful. I could hardly believe someone could not only so accurately discern the subtle down falls we 'humans' have but to put it into words.
   Thank you, whomever you are (because you've done a fabulous job at concealing your identity), for educating my mind and making me fall in love with C.S Lewis. I must have just mentioned this book in passing but you took the time to buy a lovely copy of it and send it to me. It meant a lot to me. 

I hope you find this, seeing as I have no address to send you my appreciation in return!