Friday, November 4, 2011


     You know those girls who are absolutely, stunningly, without-a-doubt gorgeous? Perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect clothes? The ones that everyone wants to be around all the time? They are beautiful when you first meet them but just appear more and more lovely as you get to know them because their insides, which are even more perfect and pure, show through  And try as you might to dislike how perfect they are, you can't because you just love them all too much. Well in my new school year I've met a girl who perfectly (of course) fits this description. She is kind to everyone and sees their potential. She listens and has an endless source of compassion and empathy. While yes her outfits are out of a magazine everyday, what makes her even more stunning is watching her concern for other bus passengers and standing to give away her seat. She's a smart cookie, but she takes the time to help others keep up to speed with the enormous workload we have. She inspires me in a new way every day.
       The other day this girl and I had a heart to heart. She told me about herself and her insecurities, the things that have gone wrong and I came to discover her life, much to my surprise, wasn't perfect.
I really got a lot from this experience. I have learned:

1. Beauty, I truly and honestly believe, comes from who you are. I've never gotten to know someone, who is a wonderful person, and then thought they were physically unattractive. It has definitely worked the opposite way though. There is beauty in everyone.

2. No one's life anywhere is perfect. It's not avoiding hardship, but what you do with it that makes you incredible.

3. Everyone feel insecure to a degree.

4. Your actions, though they may seem small and insignificant are noticed. People are watching. Although they may never say anything the things you say and do can change perspectives, opinions and lives.

5. People, not matter how much you think they are, are not perfect. And isn't that a comfort!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Naomi! I especially like the point that everyone has insecurities. I forget this all too often because I am focused on my own. It is so easy to think those people who come across confident and put together don't need reassurance and kind words, but they do!!!!
