Thursday, February 23, 2012

Working Hard...or Hardly Working?

The wisdom and knowledge I have gained thus far in my schooling career.

Professor Quote Wall:

"You guys are going to learn in Medicine, and especially Ultrasound, there is no black and white"  I found this ironic....considering EVERYTHING in U/S is black and white!
My frustrations with differentiating liver pathologies

after only a few weeks of attending NAIT a girl in our program had her things stolen from her locker. We were all concerned for her, especially how she was going to study. A few days later it was found.
Girl: My wallet and purse are gone but I got my notes and textbook back."
Professor: At least you got your notes back
Girl: That's all I care about
Decided to get creative an color code my doodles with a legend to the right

(after handing out additional material to a module) "Grab bags of information. Like a physics party favor. Enjoy!"
This is a depiction of one of the boys in my class. He ALWAYS falls asleep, but on this particular day he fell asleep eating.

"Bless you my cow! Enter in!"

Ob/Gyne professor, a very 'proper' woman, talking about pushing down when scanning "We don't dig! We selectively guide our transducer deeper!"

That awkward moment when the class unexpectedly goes quiet and you're in the middle of saying "I lost my dinosaur!"
"RHOMBENCEPHALON!! If I were a monster truck that's what I'd be called." (for those of you who are unaware as to what a rhombencephalon is, it's what becomes your hindbrain in development.)
Advice from one of my professors. It says Radiologist, just in case that was illegible.

1 comment:

  1. Radiologists aren't very exciting. They like to spend their whole day sitting in dark rooms by themselves. You at least hang out with patients...
