Thursday, December 15, 2011

Joie de Vivre!

        It started out with "what on earth is a transducer?" and then BAM! I was done my first semester. A celebratory blog post? I think so! My semester, like I'm sure all the rest of you, was crazy. I had 14 courses and thank goodness I didn't have finals in all of them. In all I wrote around 12 throughout the semester and boy am I ready to veg out for the next 2 weeks straight! When I got home from my exam today I did a little Christmas shopping. As I walked down the street I noticed people were smiling at me, and more than the polite curving of the lips. I realized I was beaming. I could not contain myself 'joie de vivre' was bursting from me. After all it was a very special evening.

      Tonight was roommate Christmas. Everyone made something. We had roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, broccoli salad, yorkshire puddings and about a million kinds of juices. Seriously, living like student kings! After everyone overindulged we exchanged secret Santa gifts. 
 Eve bought me mine and I loved it. It's a picture frame with all the quotes from kid history. Which is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to me. Our house is obsessed. As Ariel puts it "We say our prayers, read our scriptures and watch 'Kid History'." Putting that beauty in my study corner for comic relief.

      After those festivities we piled in the car and drove to the legislature building to walk around and look at all the lights. It was magical. Skaters were dancing on the ice, music was playing everywhere and the lights dyed the snow. We had a fabulous time listening to a choir and sipping hot chocolate. 

    When it was time to leave though, Kyla reached into her pocket and no keys were to be found. Since the grounds at the legislature are rather extensive we began, very calmly, running in every direction. They were quickly found underneath the bridge. An odd place to look for keys yes, but say if you had been rolling under said bridge to get to the other side it would be a logical place to look. Not that we do childish things like that, just a lucky guess...

     Finally we reached home and of course the perfect way to end an evening like this is to jump in your pajamas and watch a movie (Elf). Of course cheesecake was involved as our Christmas dessert.
Life is so wonderful when the longer you live the larger your extended family gets. I love my roommates.
I also love my real family though, and the countdown is on: 18 hours folks. 18 blissful hours until I'm in those gorgeous, foggy, rained out mountains. 

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