Thursday, September 22, 2011

Falling for the First Time

When I walked out this morning it smelled like fall. It was the first day the season hung in the air. Edmonton has a lot to offer. It has an enormous amount of YSA, there is a temple, a huge mall and a school that offers the program I wanted, it has a big ever-changing sky and the river valley is gorgeous. But Autumn is one thing Vancouver has it beat hands down.

 Fall is my favorite time of year. The air is spicy and just chilly enough to break out your heavier coats. The world looks like colorful children's books and the ground crackles with every step. It's a beginning for the official hot chocolate season. I miss home most around this time. The yellow-brown leaves are lovely.

 But I miss the reds and oranges and gorgeous pinks. Everything looks as though it's burst into flame. It's my dream to be back for just one more fall. Somebody find me a shooting star.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Be Still

      This past week has experience. I've moved into a new house, started going to a new school and watched old friends go and new ones come. My Mom drove up with me from Vancouver and we set up my new room. Put my scholarships in order and bought 3 months worth of rent in books.
     The time came for her to drive away and it was worse than the first time she did last year. That awful pit was making it's home in what I've come to learn this week as my umbilical quadrant. I was worried like no other. But knowing moms, she knew exactly what I needed. In an almost fairy godmother-like experience she produced a small box. And a scripture that read "Therefore, let your hearts be comforted...for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God."  Taking off the lid I couldn't help but let a few tears fall seeing the beautifully delicate object. But what I love almost as much as the crystal is the message on the box.

I'm so grateful for the mom I have and for the knowledge that even when she's gone I'm not alone.