Sunday, October 21, 2012

Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens

   Life has been crazy. A crazy, beautiful mess. I have exams coming out of my ears, sleep is no longer a hobby I practise and the student loan people still hate me. I love that about life though. It's unpredictable, no one ever has enough time and try as you might to shut your eyes to it, it is always beautiful.

    School is busy, I'm sure work is keeping people on their toes just as much too. But I've learned that never stops. There will never come a time when all the work is done and there is time just to play. Isn't that one of life's greatest lessons? Moments of absolute rest come infrequently. Consistently happy people find their happiness in the small and simple things of everyday life.

  Sometimes, while I should be madly scribbling notes during a lecture, my mind strays just thinking about the information being shoved down my throat. I am so amazed at the miracles we sometimes forget are miracles. It awe-inspiring to think I'll take courses for 2 years learning about the heart, all the while it takes half a second to know what to do by itself. I am so thankful I have to cross the high level bridge coming back from school.  Changes in season are made so evident looking down on the river valley, masses of trees changing color before your eyes. The view reminds me how quickly life unfolds and to seize the day.

Then I come home to roommates who I love. They keep me aware of what an exceptional time of life this is and that, without a doubt, I will bore my children to tears telling them over and over about the glory days.

    I don't think the change of colors in the fall, time to just chat with a friend or finally crawling under warm covers at the end of a day would mean half as much to me if life was always a mosey along the scenic route.When you're trying just to keep your head above water I think joy can be found in the ache of your muscles, knowing they're just getting stronger with every stroke.

I'm a firm believer that clouds have silver linings, the best sleeps come when the rain is pounding on your roof and rainbows follow the hardest downpours. Enjoy the mess! It's always been more memorable than staying clean.